University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship 2024 [Study In Canada]

International applicants seeking to study in Canada can now proceed to apply for the 2024 University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship

The University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship offers an annual stipend of $60,000 for up to two years plus a research cost of $4000 to all selected participants.


Key Details Description
Award Name University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship
Stipend Amount $60,000 per year for up to two years
Research Cost Allowance $4,000 over two years
Eligibility – Completed PhD requirements no more than 24 months prior to the fellowship start date
– Must not have pursued PhD-level studies at UBC
– If already at UBC, must provide rationale for continuing (in “Special Circumstances” document)
– Must not hold a tenure-track or continuing faculty position
– Open to international applicants
– Must demonstrate outstanding research ability and sound character
Application Process – Complete and submit the application form via the UBC department or unit
– Check with the UBC department for internal application deadlines
Application Deadline Varies by UBC department or unit
Purpose Supports advanced education and research in various fields

Fact About The University of British Columbia (UBC)

  1. Historical Roots: UBC’s origins trace back to 1877, six years after British Columbia joined Canada, when a proposal was made to form a provincial university. The formal creation came with the British Columbia University Act of 1908.
  2. Early Challenges: Despite the establishment of the university in 1915, it had to delay its plans to build at Point Grey due to World War I and the economic downturn. Instead, it operated from the former McGill University College site until 1925.
  3. Trailblazing Women: In 1917, Evlyn Fenwick Farris became the first woman in Canada to join a university’s board of governors and senate, marking a significant milestone in gender equality in higher education.
  4. Student Mobilization: In the 1920s, students led a “Build the University” campaign, marching through Vancouver and presenting 56,000 signatures to the legislature, successfully advocating for the development of the new Point Grey campus.
  5. War Efforts: During World War I, UBC students enlisted in large numbers, with 697 members serving in the military. The university’s student body was significantly impacted, but they managed to graduate 109 students during the war years.
  6. Professional Education Expansion: In the early 20th century, UBC was at the forefront of expanding professional education beyond traditional fields, introducing degrees in engineering, agriculture, nursing, and more.
  7. Survival Through Adversity: The Great Depression led to severe budget cuts, with faculty salaries slashed by up to 23%. Despite these hardships, UBC continued to grow and innovate, adapting to the challenging economic conditions.
  8. Iconic Medals: The Henry Marshall Tory Medal, established in 1941, honors the founding president of the University of Alberta and a key figure in UBC’s early history, highlighting the ongoing legacy of its founders.

Details For University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship 2024

The UBC Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are provided annually from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and are available for most fields of research.

The Killam Scholarship and Prize Programmes were established in memory of Izaak Walton Killam through the Will of his wife, Dorothy Johnston Killam, and through gifts made during her lifetime.

Their primary purpose is to support advanced education and research at five Canadian universities and the Canada Council for the Arts.

Eligibility Requirements For University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship 2024

To be considered for the UBC Killam Research Fellowship, you must:

  • Must have completed all requirements of their PhD no more than 24 months prior to the anticipated fellowship start date.
  • Must not have pursued PhD-level studies at any campus of the University of British Columbia.
  • If the applicant has already commenced a postdoctoral appointment at UBC, they must provide a rationale for continuing their appointment at UBC (rationale provided in the “Special Circumstances” document).
  • Must not currently hold a tenure-track or continuing faculty position at a university or college.
  • May be citizens of any country.
  • Should have shown outstanding ability in research, in that they would be likely to contribute to the advancement of learning or to win distinction in their profession.
  • Should not be one-sided, and have a sound character that complements their intellect.

Rewards For University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship 2024

The KILLAM Postdoctoral Research Fellowship provides the recipient with the following benefits:

  • An annual stipend of $60,000 for a maximum of two years
  • A travel research allowance of $4,000 over two years.

How To Apply For University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship 2024

To apply and be selected for the University of British Columbia Killam Fellowship 2024, applicants should;

  • Click on the button below to visit the program’s webpage
  • Complete and submit an application form and arrange delivery of all required documents to the UBC department or unit to which the application is being made.
  • Each UBC department or unit sets its own internal application deadline for receipt of applications.
  • Applicants should check with their UBC department to find out their application deadline.