Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) Scholarship 2025 [Study In Japan]

Are you a student looking for a scholarship opportunity that promotes international understanding of Japan? The Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) is offering grants for FY2025, starting in October 2024. Here’s everything you need to know to apply!


Details Description
Scholarship Name Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) Scholarship 2025
Purpose Promote international understanding of Japan
Start Date October 2024
Financial Support Funding to cover project costs including materials, travel, and other expenses
Networking Opportunities Connect with experts and organizations dedicated to fostering international understanding of Japan
Project Exposure Showcase work on an international platform, reaching a global audience
Categories – Symposia and Seminars
– Cultural Programs
– Research and Studies
– Future Experts Programs
Eligibility Criteria – Must be part of a non-profit organization
– Must have or will establish a bank account in the organization’s officially registered name
Project Requirements – Must align with TIFO’s objectives and specified project categories
– Should deepen international understanding of Japan
– Must be standalone or part of an ongoing project that can be completed within one fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st)
Application Period October 1st to November 30th
Selection of Grant Candidates February 2025
Approval by Board of Trustees March 2025
Notification of Selection Results March 2025
Submission of Agreement and Plan April 2025
Project Implementation Period April to March of the following year
Submission of Project Report After project completion
Advice for Applicants Submit applications early to avoid delays, especially due to heavy application traffic in the last week of November

Facts About Toshiba

  1. Origins of Innovation: Tanaka Seisakusho, the precursor to Toshiba, was founded by Tanaka Hisashige in 1875, one of the most inventive engineers of the Tokugawa period. It was Japan’s first company to manufacture telegraph equipment!
  2. Pioneering Contributions: The company not only made telegraph equipment but also produced switches, electrical, and communications equipment, playing a crucial role in Japan’s early technological advancements.
  3. A Legacy of Pioneers: Many early employees went on to found significant companies themselves, such as Oki Kibatarō, who founded Oki Electric Industry, and Miyoshi Shōichi, who co-established Hakunetsusha (later Tokyo Denki).
  4. Surviving Challenges: After Tanaka’s death in 1881, the company expanded into producing torpedoes and mines, becoming one of Japan’s largest manufacturers before facing financial difficulties and being taken over by Mitsui Bank in 1893.
  5. Transformation to Shibaura Seisakusho: Renamed Shibaura Seisakusho after Mitsui Bank’s takeover, the company entered a pivotal partnership with General Electric in 1910, trading technology and shares, a relationship that persisted until World War II and resumed in 1953.
  6. Creation of Tokyo Denki: Originally Hakunetsusha, Tokyo Denki was established in 1890 to manufacture light bulbs. Despite early struggles against Western imports, it flourished post-1905 through a partnership with General Electric, which acquired 51% ownership.
  7. Birth of Toshiba: The merger of Shibaura Seisakusho and Tokyo Denki in 1939 formed Tokyo Shibaura Denki, soon nicknamed Toshiba. Officially renamed in 1978, Toshiba is now a global technology powerhouse.
  8. Trailblazing Technologies: Toshiba introduced Japan’s first radar (1912), digital computer (1954), transistor television, color CRTs, microwave oven (1959), and even the first mini-split ductless air conditioner (1961).
  9. Innovative Products: Toshiba’s impressive list of firsts includes the Japanese word processor (1978), MRI system (1982), personal computer (Pasopia, 1981), laptop (1986), NAND EEPROM (1991), DVD (1995), and the Libretto sub-notebook (1996).
  10. Global Expansion: Toshiba’s global footprint includes the acquisition of Brazilian company Semp in 1977, forming Semp Toshiba, and establishing subsidiaries like Toshiba America Information Systems (1989) and Toshiba Carrier Corporation (1999).
  11. Cultural Impact: Toshiba has even ventured into the music industry with Toshiba Music Industries/Toshiba EMI (1960) and has been part of major exhibitions like Expo ’85 with their memorable pavilion.

Rewards For Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) Scholarship 2025

  1. Financial Support: Receive funding to cover the costs associated with your project, including materials, travel, and other expenses outlined in your application.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Connect with experts and organizations dedicated to fostering international understanding of Japan.
  3. Project Exposure: Showcase your work on an international platform, potentially reaching a global audience.

Categories For Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) Scholarship 2025

TIFO supports projects that promote understanding of Japan through the following four categories:

  1. Symposia and Seminars: Organize events that foster international understanding of Japan.
  2. Cultural Programs: Develop initiatives that showcase Japanese culture and its global significance.
  3. Research and Studies: Conduct academic research that delves into Japanese culture, society, and international relations.
  4. Future Experts Programs: Create programs aimed at nurturing future leaders who will contribute to international understanding of Japan.

Eligibility Criteria For Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) Scholarship 2025


  • Must be part of a non-profit organization.
  • Should have or will establish a bank account in the organization’s officially registered name for grant remittance.


  • Must align with TIFO’s objectives and the specified project categories.
  • Should deepen international understanding of Japan, particularly overseas.
  • Must be a standalone project or a part of an ongoing project that can be completed within one fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st).

How To Apply For Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) Scholarship 2025

Applicants are advised to submit their applications early to avoid last-minute issues. Heavy application traffic in the last week of November may delay response times for inquiries.

Grant Calendar Overview

  • Application Period: October 1st to November 30th
  • Selection of Grant Candidates: February 2025
  • Approval by Board of Trustees: March 2025
  • Notification of Selection Results: March 2025
  • Submission of Letter of Agreement and Project Plan: April 2025
  • Project Implementation: April to March of the following year
  • Submission of Project Report: After project completion.