Minerva Scholarship Fund 2024 at Leiden University [Study In Netherlands]

Looking for financial support to study at one of Europe’s leading universities? Discover the prestigious Minerva Scholarship Fund at Leiden University!

The Minerva Scholarship Fund at Leiden University in the Netherlands is a prestigious scholarship program that provides financial assistance to outstanding international students who wish to pursue their studies at Leiden University The scholarships are available for both bachelor’s and master’s programs, MSF amounts to Between €900 and €2000. In order to be eligible for the Minerva Scholarship, applicants must have excellent academic records and demonstrate financial need.

The scholarship selection committee gives attention to the relevance of the research and how it will contribute to the advancement of academic knowledge, as well as motivation for pursuing their studies at Leiden University. If you are looking for an opportunity to study at one of the world’s leading universities, the Minerva Scholarship Fund at Leiden University is an excellent option to consider.


Aspect Details
Scholarship Name Minerva Scholarship Fund
University Leiden University, Netherlands
Eligible Programs Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs
Scholarship Amount Between €900 and €2000
Coverage Research costs, international travel, and living costs
Eligibility Criteria – Enrolled as a Bachelor or Master student at Leiden University
– Not required to be a member of L.S.V. Minerva
– Exceptional or prestigious research or study project (internship, study, or research)
Eligible Fields – Archeology
– Humanities
– Medicine/LUMC
– Governance and Global Affairs
– Law
– Social and Behavioral Sciences
– Science
Application Deadline 15 November 2024
Application Process – Download application form from Minerva website
– Complete the form
– Gather required documents
– Submit the complete application
Selection Criteria – Excellent academic records
– Demonstrated financial need
– Relevance and contribution of research to academic knowledge
– Motivation for pursuing studies at Leiden University
Foundation Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation (Founded in 2009)
Administered By Leiden Minerva Student Association

Leiden University is a renowned research university with a rich history located in the Netherlands, the University is one of the leading institutions in Europe for academic excellence. The university attracts students from all over the world, and its campus is truly international. In addition to its strong academic reputation, Leiden University is also known for its generous financial aid packages. The Minerva Scholarship Fund is one of the university’s most prestigious scholarship programs, and it provides support for talented students who wish to pursue their studies at Leiden University. The scholarship program is highly competitive, and only a limited number of scholarships are awarded each year. However, the Leiden University community is committed to supporting all admitted students, and there are many other financial aid options available. With its world-class faculty, cutting-edge research, and generous financial aid packages, Leiden University is an ideal choice for talented students who are looking to pursue their studies at the world’s top universities.

The Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation was founded in 2009 with the objective of offering scholarships for both research projects and study undertakings in a variety of fields. MSF is particularly keen to support exceptional and exclusive student projects both in the Netherlands and abroad. The Minerva Scholarship Fund is administered by the Leiden Minerva Student Association

Facts About Leiden University

  1. Historical Legacy: Founded in 1575 by Prince William of Orange, Leiden University was established to educate citizens and provide the government with knowledgeable individuals. The university was a reward for Leiden’s heroic defense against Spanish attacks.
  2. Royal Opposition: The foundation certificate of Leiden University bears the name of Philip II of Spain, who was William’s adversary and de jure count of Holland at the time. Philip II forbade all his subjects from studying in Leiden.
  3. Noble Origins: The university initially operated in the Convent of Saint Barbara, then moved to the Faliede Bagijn Church, and finally settled in a former convent of Cistercian nuns in 1581. The original building was destroyed by fire in 1616, but the site remains in use.
  4. Star-Studded Scholars: Within fifty years of its founding, Leiden University attracted renowned scholars such as Justus Lipsius, Joseph Scaliger, Hugo Grotius, and Jacobus Arminius. By the 1640s, it had become the largest Protestant university in Europe with over five hundred students from across the continent.
  5. Philosophical Roots: Baruch Spinoza, a pivotal figure in Western philosophy, discovered the works of Descartes during his visits to Leiden University for periods of study.
  6. Scientific Milestones: The university has been a cradle of groundbreaking discoveries. In 1896, the Zeeman effect was discovered by Pieter Zeeman and explained by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz. Leiden is also home to the world’s first university low-temperature laboratory, where Professor Heike Kamerlingh Onnes achieved a temperature just one degree above absolute zero and first liquified helium in 1908, leading to the discovery of superconductivity in metals.
  7. Nobel-Worthy Achievements: The scientific achievements at Leiden University have earned its scholars worldwide recognition, including Nobel Prizes, highlighting its long-standing tradition of excellence in research and education.

Eligible Fields For Minerva Scholarship Fund 2024 at Leiden University

  • Archeology
  • Humanities
  • Medicine/LUMC
  • Governance and Global Affairs
  • Law
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Science

Rewards For Minerva Scholarship Fund 2024 at Leiden University

  • Between €900 and €2000.
  • Research costs
  • International travel and living costs.

Eligibility Criteria For Minerva Scholarship Fund 2024 at Leiden University

  • A candidate should be enrolled as a Bachelor or Master student at Leiden University.
  • Candidates are not required to be a member of L.S.V. Minerva.
  • A candidate should have an exceptional or prestigious level of research or study abroad or in the Netherlands.
  • The project should be one of the following categories: (internship, study, or research)

Deadline For Minerva Scholarship Fund 2024 at Leiden University

The application deadline to apply for the Minerva Scholarship 2024 at Leiden University in the Netherlands is 15 November 2024.

How To Apply For Minerva Scholarship Fund 2024 at Leiden University

  1. First Download an application form from the official Minerva website.
  2. Complete the form.
  3. Make sure you have all the required documents.
  4. Submit your complete application.