Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Scholarships 2025 [Study In Japan]

The Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) offers a remarkable opportunity for students from ADB’s developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in environmental and sustainability sciences at the University of Tokyo.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on the scholarship, including benefits, eligibility criteria, application methods, and timelines for the next batch.


Aspect Details
Scholarship Name Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP)
Institution Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo
Program Start October 1, 2025
Duration Master’s program duration
Tuition Fees Full tuition fees covered
Monthly Stipend Monthly allowance for living expenses, including housing and subsistence costs
Travel Expenses Round-trip airfare from home country to Japan
Medical Insurance Coverage for medical and accident insurance
Books and Study Materials Allowance for books and necessary study materials
Research Support Additional support for research-related activities
Eligibility Criteria – National of an ADB borrowing member country
– Nominated by GSFS
– At least 2 years of relevant work experience
– 35 years old or younger
– Must return to home country for at least 2 years post-study
– Bachelor’s degree holder (no prior master’s degree)
Application Steps 1. Verify eligibility
2. Find a supervisor
3. Prepare application documents
4. Submit application
5. First screening results
6. Final selection and admission procedures
Application Deadline December 10, 2024
Recommendation Letters To be sent directly by recommenders to International Liaison Office by email (
First Screening Results Mid-February 2025
Final Selection Results May 2025
Final Document Submission March 20, 2025
Admission and Immigration May to September 2025

Fact About the University of Tokyo

  1. Historical Fusion: The University of Tokyo was formed by merging three historical institutions, including a Confucian school funded by the Shogunate in 1630 and a Western medicine school established in 1858. This historical blend gives the university a rich, multi-faceted heritage.
  2. Rebuilding after Disaster: After the devastating Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, which destroyed almost all its main buildings, the university was rebuilt with significant aid from international donors, including a $2 million donation from John D. Rockefeller Jr. The rebuilt campus features unique Collegiate Gothic architecture known as Uchida Gothic.
  3. Seismology Pioneers: The University of Tokyo was already a leader in seismology before the earthquake, thanks to contributions like Omori’s law. The post-earthquake era saw the creation of the Earthquake Research Institute, which has been a global hub for earthquake studies ever since.
  4. War Impact: During World War II, the university’s buildings were largely untouched by air raids, allowing academic activities to continue. Despite the war, the university’s faculty and students contributed significantly to military engineering research.
  5. Student Protests: The university was a hotbed of student activism in the 1960s, leading to intense conflicts with police. The 1968–1969 protests saw students occupying campus buildings and clashing with riot police, which led to a significant disruption in the university’s admissions process.
  6. Post-War Reforms: After World War II, the university dropped “Imperial” from its name and opened its doors to female students for the first time in 1946. It also merged with higher schools to form a four-year university system, shaping its modern structure.
  7. Nobel-Winning Research: The University of Tokyo’s Kamiokande project made groundbreaking discoveries in neutrino physics, including detecting cosmic neutrinos and proving neutrinos have mass. These discoveries earned Nobel Prizes in 2003 and 2015.
  8. Global Rankings: Despite a recent decline in global university rankings, the University of Tokyo was once ranked 12th globally in 2004. It remains a top-tier institution with a strong focus on internationalization and research innovation.
  9. Cutting-Edge Innovation: The university has been proactive in fostering entrepreneurship through the University of Tokyo Edge Capital Partners (UTEC), which supports startups emerging from university research and drives societal innovation.
  10. Future Vision: Under President Teruo Fujii, the university introduced the “UTokyo Compass,” a framework aiming to make the university a global leader in diversity, dialogue, and addressing global challenges. It reflects a commitment to creating a more inclusive and innovative educational environment.

Rewards For Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Scholarships 2025

  • Full Tuition Fees: The scholarship covers the entire tuition fee for the duration of the master’s program.
  • Monthly Stipend: A monthly allowance to cover living expenses, including housing and subsistence costs.
  • Travel Expenses: Round-trip airfare from your home country to Japan.
  • Medical Insurance: Coverage for medical and accident insurance.
  • Books and Study Materials: An allowance for books and other necessary study materials.
  • Research Support: Additional support for research-related activities.

Eligibility Criteria For Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Scholarships 2025

To be eligible for the ADB-JSP, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Nationality: Must be a national of an ADB borrowing member country.
  2. Nomination: Must be nominated by the Graduate School of Frontier
  3. Sciences (GSFS), University of Tokyo.
  4. Work Experience: At least two years of full-time professional work experience in a field related to their bachelor’s degree.
  5. Age Limit: Must be 35 years old or younger at the time of application.
  6. Post-Study Commitment: Must agree to return and work in their home country for at least two years after completing their master’s degree.
  7. Academic Qualification: Must hold a bachelor’s degree and must not have a master’s degree at the time of application.

How To Apply For Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Scholarships 2025

Step 1: Verify Your Eligibility

Step 2: Find a Supervisor: Contact potential supervisors from the relevant departments at GSFS:

Step 3: Prepare Application Documents

  • Application Form (downloadable from GSFS website)
  • Field of Study and Research Plan
  • Official academic transcript (bachelor’s degree)
  • Official certificate of graduation (bachelor’s degree)
  • Two confidential recommendation letters

Step 4: Submit Application

  • Upload all application materials, except for recommendation letters, to the designated Google Form by December 10, 2024.
  • Recommendation letters should be sent directly by the recommenders to the International Liaison Office by email ( with the subject line “ADB recommendation letter_Name (applicant’s name)”.

Step 5: First Screening Results: Results will be notified by mid-February 2025. Successful candidates will need to submit original/physical documents and additional materials by March 20, 2025.

Step 6: Final Selection and Admission Procedures

  • ADB-JSP will notify the final selection results in May 2025.
  • Admission and immigration procedures will be carried out from May to September 2025.
  • The autumn semester begins on October 1, 2025.