Double Degree Scholarships 2025 by DAAD [Study In Germany]

Are you an ambitious student seeking an international education that offers dual qualifications? The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) presents an incredible opportunity through its Integrated International Degree Programmes with Double Degrees. This program is designed for highly qualified students who wish to study at both a German and a foreign university, ultimately earning degrees from both institutions.

A double degree program offers unparalleled opportunities for academic and professional growth. Students will benefit from the unique blend of education systems, enhancing their cultural competence and global network. The program is aimed at strengthening the exchange of knowledge between Germany and partner universities worldwide, thereby enriching the academic experience for both students and faculty.


Category Details
Scholarship Name Double Degree Scholarships 2025 by DAAD
Program Focus Integrated International Degree Programmes with Double Degrees
Target Group Bachelor’s and Master’s students, along with faculty members from state and state-recognized German universities
Exclusion Double degree programs with France (supported by Franco-German University DFH)
Key Aspects Supported – Development of Curriculum
– Mobility Grants for students
– Support for Faculty
– Public Relations
Funding Coverage Preparation, implementation, and follow-up activities
Mobility Grants Scholarships for students covering living expenses and travel
Faculty Support Mobility grants for professors and guest lecturers
Application Deadline October 16, 2024
Virtual Application Consultation August 27, 2024 (Registration by August 23, 2024)
Application Process Via the DAAD online portal
Program Start Academic year 2025/2026

Fact About German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

  1. Dual Degrees from Top Universities: Imagine graduating with two prestigious degrees—one from a leading German university and another from a world-renowned partner institution. This program offers the unique opportunity to hold qualifications that can open doors in both Germany and your home country!
  2. Global Learning Environment: Not only will you study in two different countries, but you’ll also experience the best of both worlds. The program blends German efficiency and innovation with the academic strengths of partner universities around the globe.
  3. Cultural Immersion: Enhance your cultural competence by living and studying in two distinct environments. You’ll gain firsthand experience in navigating diverse cultural settings, which is a priceless asset in today’s globalized world.
  4. Career Edge: Graduates of the program are highly sought after by international employers. The dual degree, combined with your experience studying in different educational systems, gives you a competitive edge in the global job market.
  5. Networking Across Continents: You’ll build an extensive global network of peers, professors, and professionals. These connections can lead to lifelong friendships, academic collaborations, and international career opportunities.
  6. Research Opportunities: The program often includes access to cutting-edge research projects at both institutions, providing a platform to contribute to significant advancements in your field of study.
  7. Language Proficiency: Studying in Germany means you’ll likely gain proficiency in German—a language that is a significant asset in business, science, and engineering sectors across Europe.
  8. World-Class Faculty: Learn from some of the brightest minds across two continents. The program ensures that students are taught by experts from both German and partner institutions, offering a well-rounded and enriched academic experience.
  9. Scholarship Opportunities: The DAAD is known for its generous scholarship programs. Many students in the double degree program receive financial support, easing the financial burden of studying abroad.
  10. Personal Growth: Beyond academic and professional benefits, the experience of living in different countries and adapting to new cultures will develop your independence, resilience, and global mindset—qualities that are invaluable in any life pursuit.

Rewards For Double Degree Scholarships 2025 by DAAD

The funding from DAAD covers various phases of the program, including preparation, implementation, and follow-up activities and the key aspects supported include:

  • Development of Curriculum: Crafting a joint curriculum that allows students to study alternately at the German and partner universities.
  • Mobility Grants: Scholarships for students, covering living expenses and travel between the partner institutions.
  • Support for Faculty: Mobility grants for professors and guest lecturers involved in the program.
  • Public Relations: Promoting the program through various channels to attract top talent.

Eligibility For Double Degree Scholarships 2025 by DAAD

The program is open to state and state-recognized German universities. Bachelor’s and Master’s students, along with faculty members from participating institutions, are eligible to apply. However, double degree programs with France are excluded, as these are supported by the Franco-German University (DFH).

Upcoming Events For For Double Degree Scholarships 2025 by DAAD

Mark your calendar for a Virtual Application Consultation on August 27, 2024. This session will provide crucial information on the application process and the program itself. Interested applicants must register by August 23, 2024. The current call for applications is for the academic year 2025/2026 as per this call letter

How To Apply For Double Degree Scholarships 2025 by DAAD

Applications must be submitted via the DAAD online portal. Ensure all required documents are in place, including cooperation agreements and curricular concepts. The program supports a diverse and inclusive environment, so applications that align with these values are highly encouraged.

Application Deadline: October 16, 2024.