Chevening-Leicester University Partner Scholarship 2025 [Study In UK]

The University of Leicester is thrilled to announce the launch of the Chevening-Leicester Partner Scholarship, an exceptional opportunity for students from Chevening-eligible countries to pursue their academic dreams. This scholarship offers two fully funded scholarships for the 2025-26 academic year, providing recipients with a comprehensive package of support, ensuring they can focus entirely on their studies without financial worries.


Category Details
Scholarship Name Chevening-Leicester Partner Scholarship
Academic Year 2025-26
Number of Scholarships Two fully funded scholarships
Coverage – Return Airfare: Round-trip flight from home country to the UK
– Full Tuition Fee Waiver
– Living Stipend
– Additional Allowances for other expenses
Eligibility – Applicants must be from a Chevening-eligible country (excluding India)
– Enrolled in a one-year taught Master’s program within the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities or the School of Geography, Geology, and the Environment at the University of Leicester
– Program must start in September 2025
Standard Chevening Requirements – Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country
– Commit to returning to your home country for at least two years after completing your studies
– Hold an undergraduate degree that enables entry into a UK postgraduate program
– Have at least two years (2,800 hours) of work experience
Application Deadline 5 November 2024

Fact About University of Leicester

  1. Home of the Genetic Revolution: The University of Leicester is where the revolutionary technique of DNA fingerprinting was discovered in 1984 by Sir Alec Jeffreys. This groundbreaking innovation has since transformed forensic science, criminal investigations, and even family law worldwide.
  2. Space Research Powerhouse: Leicester’s Space Research Centre is world-renowned, contributing to over 90 space missions, including the European Space Agency’s BepiColombo mission to Mercury. The university’s experts are continuously pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.
  3. Medieval Manuscript Treasure Trove: The university boasts an extraordinary collection of medieval manuscripts, including the famous Codex Amiatinus, one of the earliest surviving complete Bibles in Latin. It’s a treasure trove for historians and scholars.
  4. Shakespeare’s Contemporaries: The University of Leicester has the largest collection of manuscripts from Shakespeare’s contemporaries, providing unique insights into the Elizabethan era and influencing modern interpretations of that period.
  5. Richard III Reburial: In 2012, the university made global headlines with the discovery and identification of the remains of King Richard III beneath a car park in Leicester. The remains were later reburied in Leicester Cathedral, an event that captivated history enthusiasts worldwide.
  6. A Leader in Inclusivity: Leicester is consistently ranked among the top universities for inclusivity in the UK. With a diverse student body representing over 100 nationalities, the university is a true melting pot of cultures, ideas, and perspectives.
  7. Leicester’s Literary Legacy: Famous for its strong literary connections, the university was once home to the renowned writer and Nobel laureate Sir Malcolm Bradbury. The English department continues to be a breeding ground for literary talent.
  8. Pioneers in Medical Education: Leicester’s Medical School has pioneered several innovative teaching methods, including the use of virtual reality for anatomy education. This cutting-edge approach ensures that Leicester graduates are among the best-prepared doctors entering the workforce.
  9. Environmental Champions: The University of Leicester is at the forefront of environmental research, particularly in the study of climate change. The university’s Earth Observation Science Group plays a crucial role in monitoring global environmental changes using satellite technology.
  10. Award-Winning Student Support: Leicester’s dedication to student welfare is second to none. The university has won numerous awards for its exceptional support services, ensuring that every student has the resources they need to succeed, both academically and personally.

Rewards For Chevening-Leicester University Partner Scholarship 2025

The Chevening-Leicester Partner Scholarship is designed to cover all essential expenses, including:

  • Return Airfare: A round-trip flight from your home country to the UK.
  • Full Tuition Fee Waiver: Complete coverage of tuition fees for your chosen program.
  • Living Stipend: A generous stipend to cover living costs throughout your study period.
  • Additional Allowances: Further financial support to cover various other necessary expenses during your stay in the UK.

Eligibility For Chevening-Leicester University Partner Scholarship 2025

To be eligible for the Chevening-Leicester Partner Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Country of Origin: Applicants must be from one of the Chevening-eligible countries, excluding India.
  • Course of Study: The scholarship is available to students enrolled in a one-year taught Master’s program within the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities or the School of Geography, Geology, and the Environment at the University of Leicester.
  • Start Date: The program must commence in September 2025.

Requirements For Chevening-Leicester University Partner Scholarship 2025

In addition to the specific criteria for the Chevening-Leicester Partner Scholarship, applicants must also fulfill the standard Chevening requirements, which include:

  • Citizenship: Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country.
  • Return to Home Country: Commit to returning to your home country for at least two years after completing your studies.
  • Academic Background: Hold an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry into a postgraduate program at a UK university.
  • Work Experience: Have at least two years (equivalent to 2,800 hours) of work experience.

How To Apply For Chevening-Leicester University Partner Scholarship 2025

Interested Applicants Should Use The Link Below To Apply Before 5 November, 2024.
