The Guatá 2025 Scholarship, offered by the French Embassy in Brazil in partnership with various Brazilian universities, presents a unique opportunity for Brazilian indigenous doctoral students to pursue research and academic exchange at French universities. This Guata scholarship aims to enhance academic mobility and cultural exchange for indigenous students in the 2025–2026 academic year.
Fact About The Embassy Of France
- France is home to some of the world’s top universities, with 5 French universities ranked among the top 100 globally.
- France offers a unique cultural experience, with a rich history, art, fashion, cuisine, and architecture.
- French is the 2nd most widely spoken language, with over 274 million speakers worldwide.
- France is a hub for international students, with over 300,000 international students enrolled in French universities.
- French universities offer a wide range of programs, including engineering, business, arts, and humanities.
- France is a leader in innovation and research, with many universities and research institutions collaborating with top industries.
- Studying in France can be affordable, with many universities offering scholarships, grants, and affordable tuition fees.
- France offers a unique student lifestyle, with many universities located in vibrant cities, offering a rich cultural and social experience.
- French universities have strong industry connections, providing students with opportunities for internships, research collaborations, and job placements.
- Studying in France can open doors to a global career, with many French universities having partnerships with top international universities and companies.
Rewards For Guatá Scholarship 2025 by France Embassy
Selected candidates will enjoy a comprehensive package of benefits, including:
- Round-trip airfare from Brazil to France.
- A monthly grant of €1,704, ensuring financial stability during the exchange period.
- Exemption from academic fees in French public institutions.
- Initial health insurance and assistance with securing accommodation.
- Free consular procedures and visa support, simplifying the administrative process.
Eligibility Criteria For Guatá Scholarship 2025 by France Embassy
To qualify, applicants must be indigenous doctoral students enrolled in 2025 at one of the following partner universities:
- USP (University of São Paulo)
- Unicamp (University of Campinas)
- UnB (University of Brasília)
- UEA (State University of Amazonas)
- UFGD (Federal University of Grande Dourados)
- UFRR (Federal University of Roraima)
- UFPA (Federal University of Pará)
- UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco)
- Unilab (University of International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony)
- UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
- Demonstrate proof of indigenous identity through required documentation.
- Obtain acceptance from a French university for the exchange period.
How To Apply For Guatá Scholarship 2025 by France Embassy
Applications must be submitted exclusively via the designated online form, with all mandatory documents compiled into a single PDF file. This includes:
- Proof of indigenous identity.
- Academic and professional credentials.
- A proposal outlining the purpose and objectives of the mobility.
Application Deadlines
- Pre-selection Registration Deadline: Until March 9, 2025, at 23:59 (Brasília time).
- Proof of Acceptance Deadline: Until May 5, 2025, at 23:59 (Brasília time).
- Results Announcement: May 7, 2025.
- Start of Mobility: September 2025.