2025 Yale Young African Scholars Program For African Students [Study In Zimbabwe]

The Yale Young African Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program for outstanding high school students from around the world.

Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS) is an intensive academic and enrichment program designed for African secondary school students planning to pursue tertiary education and who wish to make meaningful impact as young leaders on the continent.

Fact About The Yale University

  1. Ancient History : Yale University was founded in1701, making it the third-oldest institution ofhigher education in the United States.
  2. Ivy League : Yale is a member of the prestigious IvyLeague, a group of eight elite private colleges anduniversities in the Northeastern United States.
  3. Global Recognition : Yale is consistently rankedamong the top universities globally, with many ofits programs and departments ranked #1 in theworld.
  4. Academic Excellence : Yale has a long history ofacademic excellence, with 61 Nobel laureates, 5Fields Medalists, and 3 Turing Award winnersamong its alumni and faculty.
  5. Selective Admissions : Yale is extremely selective,with an acceptance rate of around 7% for the classof 2024.
  6. Diverse Community : Despite its selectivity, Yalehas a diverse community of students from all 50states and over 120 countries around the world.
  7. Iconic Architecture : Yale’s campus is home tomany iconic buildings, including the SterlingMemorial Library, the Yale University Art Gallery,and the Center for British Art.
  8. Secret Societies : Yale is famous for its secretsocieties, including Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key,and Berzelius.
  9. Alumni Network : Yale has a powerful alumninetwork, with many prominent figures in politics,business, law, medicine, and the arts.
  10. Financial Aid : Yale is committed to making itsworld-class education accessible to students fromall backgrounds, with a generous financial aidprogram that provides support to over 50% of itsstudents.

Details For 2025 Yale Young African Scholars Program For African Student

Participants will enhance their academic skills, receive guidance on university admissions and career path options, and join a network of young leaders from across Africa. Following the program, students will be paired with mentors who will advise them throughout the university application process.

Requirements For 2025 Yale Young African Scholars Program For African Student

To be considered for the Yale Young African Scholars Program, you must:

  • Be between the ages of 16-18 years old by July 21, 2025 (first day of Session III)
  • Be able to participate in a rigorous academic curriculum conducted in English.
  • Be a current high school sophomore or junior (or international equivalent).
  • e graduating in May/June 2026 or 2027 from the Northern Hemisphere, or in Nov./Dec. 2025 or 2026 from the Southern Hemisphere
  • Be a first-time participant in YYGS. If you have participated in a YYGS session during a previous summer (2023 and prior), then you are not eligible to participate during YYGS 2025.
    Please note: If you previously applied to YYGS but were not offered admission or were unable to attend AND you meet the eligibility criteria noted above, then you are encouraged to re-apply for YYGS 2025.

Duration and Reward For 2025 Yale Young African Scholars Program For African Student

To make the program accessible to students of all financial backgrounds, there is no cost for students to participate in YYAS.

The YYAS Summit is tuition-free ($0) and provides free housing, meals, and all academic curriculum materials.

Duration of Program:

  • YYAS College Prep Workshop (online; 5 days): 18-23 July 2024
  • YYAS Leadership Summit (residential in Zimbabwe; 10 days): 9-18 August 2025

Required Documents For 2025 Yale Young African Scholars Program For African Student

All students must submit the following application components:

  • Activities list
  • One 400-word essay and one 200-word response
  • Two “fast take” responses (280 characters each)
  • Official school transcript
  • One Recommender (who will complete the YYGS Recommendation Form* ONLY)
  • Application fee ($70 for Early Action and $85 for Regular Decision)
  • You must click the Submit Application button on the “Review” page for your application to be considered.
  • OPTIONAL: English fluency test scores (TOEFL or DuoLingo)
  • OPTIONAL: Need-based financial aid

How To Apply For 2025 Yale Young African Scholars Program For African Student

To apply, interested and qualified applicants should use the “CLICK HERE TO APPLY” button. The Application Deadline is 20 January, 2025.