2024 Postdoctoral Fellowship At TIFR-CAM, Bangalore [Study In India]

TIFR-CAM (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Centre for Applicable Mathematics) is inviting applications for postdoctoral positions from qualified candidates in various areas of mathematics. This is a unique opportunity to engage in advanced research, academic discussions, and teaching assistant work with a premier research institute in India.


Category Details
Eligibility PhD candidates who have submitted their thesis
Funding TIFR-CAM funding (or external sources: NPDF, NBHM, Airbus fellowships)
Responsibilities Research, academic discussions, seminars, teaching assistant work (one semester per year)
Duration Three years (contingent on satisfactory performance, reviewed yearly)
How to Apply Email application (single PDF) to postdoc-comm@tifrbng.res.in
Last Date to Apply September 30, 2024
Required Documents Letter of intent, CV, PhD thesis synopsis, research statement, list of TIFR-CAM faculty mentors, list of referees, PDF of papers/preprints, thesis, etc.

Facts About a Hub of Mathematical Excellence

  • Interdisciplinary Research: TIFR-CAM is a unique blend of pure and applied mathematics, fostering collaborations with other disciplines like physics, engineering, and computer science.
  • Birthplace of New Theories: Researchers at TIFR-CAM have made groundbreaking contributions, including the development of new mathematical theories, such as the “TIFR-CAM Theory” in fluid dynamics.
  • Nurturing Talent: TIFR-CAM has an impressive track record of mentoring students, many of whom have gone on to become leading mathematicians and scientists globally.
  • Cutting-Edge Facilities: The center boasts state-of-the-art computing facilities, including a supercomputer, enabling researchers to tackle complex problems and simulate real-world scenarios.
  • Global Collaborations: TIFR-CAM has forged strong partnerships with international institutions, facilitating the exchange of ideas and expertise.
  • Real-World Impact: Research at TIFR-CAM has far-reaching applications in fields like cryptography, climate modeling, and materials science, driving innovation and technological advancements.
  • Legacy of Excellence: Founded in 1970, TIFR-CAM has built a legacy of excellence, with its researchers earning numerous awards and honors for their contributions to mathematics and science.
  • Inspiring Future Generations: Through outreach programs and public lectures, TIFR-CAM inspires and educates the wider community about the beauty and importance of mathematics.

Eligibility For 2024 Postdoctoral Fellowship At TIFR-CAM, Bangalore

  • PhD candidates who have submitted their thesis are eligible to apply for postdoctoral positions funded by TIFR-CAM.
  • Only candidates with external sources of funding (such as NPDF, NBHM, and Airbus fellowships) can be hosted in TIFR-CAM after undergoing the same selection procedure as other applicants.

Description For 2024 Postdoctoral Fellowship At TIFR-CAM, Bangalore

Postdoctoral fellows are expected to be actively involved in research/academic discussions with CAM faculty, give seminars, and perform teaching assistant work (for Integrated Ph.D courses) one semester per year. The postdoctoral positions will be offered for a period of three years contingent on satisfactory performance, which will be reviewed yearly.

How To Apply For 2024 Postdoctoral Fellowship At TIFR-CAM, Bangalore

  1. Applicants should submit a letter of intent, a complete and up-to-date CV, PhD thesis synopsis, research statement, list of TIFR-CAM faculty with whom they would like to collaborate (limited to two mentors), a list of referees (at least two, including their thesis advisor), and PDF of papers/preprints, thesis, etc.
  2. All documents, in the order listed above, should be compiled into a single PDF and emailed to postdoc-comm@tifrbng.res.in
  3. Last Date To Apply is September 30, 2024