CERN Doctoral Student Program 2025 [Study In Switzerland]

The CERN Doctoral Student program is a great chance to work on your thesis while spending three years (36 months) in Geneva, Switzerland at CERN. The applications are open. Apply now for the fully funded Opportunity. Whether you have already decided on a subject or you are on a Track to decide. If your field is related to Applied Physics, Engineering, or Computing, apply for the CERN Doctoral Student Programme. A place like nowhere else on the earth. An opportunity to explore the beauty of Switzerland.

At CERN you will have an opportunity to work in a diverse range of fields which includes applied physics, IT, mathematics, electricity, electronics, mechanical or civil engineering, instrumentation for accelerators and particle physics experiments, materials science, radiation protection, safety and environmental protection, science communication, surveying, ultra-high vacuum are few examples. More details about the program, the benefits, and the eligibility criteria are given below.


Category Details
Duration 3 years (36 months)
Benefits Contract of 6 months, renewable up to 3 years; allowance of 3868 Swiss Francs per month (net of tax); travel allowance; supplement for married and/or children; health insurance scheme; 2.5 days of paid leave per month
Eligibility National of a CERN Member or Associate Member State; started or about to start a doctoral program at a university; completed at least 18 months of undergraduate studies; must remain registered as a full-time student during the internship; good knowledge of English and French
Required Documents CV, motivation letter, academic transcript, reference letter from university professor
Application Deadline November 4th, 2024 (at 23:59 CET)
Application Process Visit official website, fill out online application form, upload required documents, respond to essay-based questions, review application carefully, and submit before deadline

Fact About CERN In Switzerland

1. The Largest Particle Accelerator in the World
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a massive ring-shaped tunnel that stretches over 17 miles (27 kilometers) in circumference, making it the largest particle accelerator in the world. That’s longer than 150 football fields!

2. Accelerating Particles to Almost the Speed of Light
The LHC accelerates protons to nearly the speed of light, reaching energies of 13 trillion electronvolts (TeV). To put that into perspective, when a particle reaches this speed, it’s like accelerating a car from 0 to 600 miles per hour in just one second!

3. Creating Tiny Black Holes
In 2015, scientists at CERN created tiny black holes that existed for just a billionth of a second. These miniature black holes were created by colliding particles at incredibly high energies, providing insights into the fundamental laws of physics.

4. Higgs Boson Discovery: The “God Particle”
CERN’s scientists discovered the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that explains how particles acquire mass. Nicknamed the “God particle,” this discovery confirmed the Standard Model of particle physics and earned its discoverers the Nobel Prize in Physics.

5. Secret Underground Tunnels
CERN has a network of secret underground tunnels and caverns beneath its research facilities, stretching over 100 miles (160 kilometers) in length. These tunnels allow scientists to transport particles and data between different parts of the facility without disrupting the surface.

6. The World’s Most Powerful Computer
CERN operates the most powerful computer in the world, called the Grid Computing Project. This supercomputer processes vast amounts of data generated by the LHC, allowing scientists to analyze complex particle collisions.

7. A Miniature Universe Within a Particle Collider
CERN’s LHC creates tiny, ephemeral universes within its particle collisions. These “mini-big bangs” mimic the conditions that existed in the universe just fractions of a second after its birth, providing insights into the fundamental laws of physics and the universe’s origins.

8. CERN’s Data Storage: The Size of a Small Library
The data generated by CERN’s experiments is staggering – over 15 petabytes (1 petabyte = 1 million gigabytes) of data are stored on servers and tapes. To put that into perspective, this is equivalent to storing all the books in a small library!

Rewards For CERN Doctoral Student Program 2025

CERN will provide the following benefits:

  • A Contract of 6 months, renewable up to 3 years.
  • An Allowance of 3868 Swiss Francs per month (net of tax).
  • A Travel Allowance (Economy Class Air Tickets)
  • Depending on your circumstances, a supplement if you are married and/or have children.
  • Health Insurance Scheme
  • 2,5 days of paid leave per month.

Eligibility Criteria For CERN Doctoral Student Program 2025

  • You are a national of a CERN Member or Associate Member State
  • You have started or are about to start a doctoral program at a university.
  • Have completed at least 18 months of your undergraduate studies (Bachelor’s or Master’s)
  • You must remain registered as a full-time student during the internship at CERN.
  • You have a good knowledge of English and French.
  • Proof of English Language Test is not required.

Required Documents For CERN Doctoral Student Program 2025

Please clearly label your document CV, Motivation letter, and Academic transcript, and should be in PDF format.

  • CV
  • Most recent academic transcript
  • A reference letter from your University Professor is mandatory

How to Apply For CERN Doctoral Student Program 2025

Visit the official website of the CERN Doctoral Student Program or search for the application page using a search engine.

Look for the ‘Apply Now’ button and click on it to access the application page.

Choose the ‘I’m interested’ option or any similar option to indicate your interest in the program.

Fill out the online application form with your personal information,  educational background, and other required details.

Upload all the necessary documents, including your CV/resume, academic transcript, experience letter (if applicable), English language certificate (if required), and reference letters from accredited professors and previous internships.

Respond carefully to any essay-based questions included in the application form.

Review your application thoroughly to ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete.

Once you’re satisfied with your application, submit it before the specified deadline.

The application deadline to apply for the CERN Doctoral Student Program 2025 in Switzerland is November 4th 2024 (at 23:59 CET).