2024 University of Pisa DSU Scholarship [Study In Italy]

Applications have commenced for the 2024/25 University of Pisa DSU Scholarship for qualified and interested domestic and international students.

The University of Pisa DSU Scholarship is a fully-funded opportunity for undergraduates and postgraduate applicants covering the full tuition fees and sufficient living stipends of selected applicants. Successful applicants are also eligible for free accommodation and free meals at the University dining halls.


Details Information
Scholarship Name University of Pisa DSU Scholarship
Eligibility – Domestic and international students
– Planning to enroll or already enrolled in a Degree program at the University of Pisa
– Do not already have a qualification of the same level of education
Coverage – Full tuition fees
– Free accommodation
– Free meals at University dining halls
– Sufficient living stipends
– Contribution for extra expenses (sporting activities, books, etc.)
Financial Support – Yearly stipend of €7,200
Required Documents – Application Form
– Document certifying the family economic status
– Copy of a valid identity document
– All documents must be translated into Italian and legalized as per international provisions
Application Process – Submit an online application via Sportello Studente
– Attach all required documents
– Submit application even if not enrolled at the University of Pisa yet
Selection Process – Single ranking list for both foreign and Italian students
– Provisional ranking lists by end of September
– Final rankings approved by end of November
Application Deadline 6 November, 2024

Facts About the University of Pisa

  1. Ancient Origins: Though officially founded in 1343, the University of Pisa’s roots trace back to the 11th century. By the mid-12th century, Pisa had an “Universitas,” a community of students and masters, and it was during this time that the legendary mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci studied and worked.
  2. Papal Endorsement: On 3 September 1343, Pope Clement VI granted Pisa’s Studium the prestigious title of Studium Generale, making it universally recognized. Pisa was among the first European cities to receive such a papal endorsement, preceding Prague and Heidelberg.
  3. Galileo Galilei’s Alma Mater: The great Galileo Galilei, often called the father of modern science, was both a student and later a professor of Mathematics at the University of Pisa. It was here that he began his groundbreaking experiments and studies.
  4. Botanical Garden Pioneer: In 1543, under Duke Cosimo I dei Medici, Pisa founded the world’s first botanical garden associated with a university, the Garden of Simples. This garden, still thriving today, played a crucial role in the development of botany.
  5. Medici Influence: The Medici family, particularly Lorenzo dei Medici and Cosimo I, were instrumental in the university’s development. They commissioned the construction of Palazzo della Sapienza, the university’s central building, and elevated its status to one of Europe’s premier institutions for both teaching and research.
  6. Cherub Symbol: The Cherub, representing divine knowledge, became the university’s symbol after being placed above the gateway dell’Abbondanza. The Order of the Cherub is awarded to distinguished faculty members who have significantly enhanced the university’s prestige.
  7. Lorraine Dynasty Revival: The decline of the Medici Grand Duchy led to a temporary downfall, but the University of Pisa experienced a revival under the enlightened Lorraine dynasty in the 18th century, with new chairs in Experimental Physics and Chemistry.
  8. Napoleonic Era: During the Napoleonic annexation, the university transformed into an imperial Academy and became a subsidiary of the University of Paris, introducing new academic structures and degrees. This period also saw the establishment of the Scuola Normale Superiore, modeled after the École Normale in Paris.
  9. Architectural Marvels: The university’s present central building, Palazzo della Sapienza, located in the 13th century Piazza del Grano, is a historic and architectural gem. The Scuola Normale Superiore, housed in Palazzo della Carovana in Piazza dei Cavalieri, adds to Pisa’s rich architectural heritage.
  10. Continued Excellence: From its medieval origins to its modern-day status, the University of Pisa has consistently been a beacon of knowledge and innovation, nurturing some of history’s greatest minds and contributing significantly to various fields of study.

Details For 2024 University of Pisa DSU Scholarship

The University of Pisa is currently offering the annual DSU scholarships to qualified domestic and international students to study in Italy.

The University of Pisa DSU Scholarship is also open to students planning to enroll or already enrolled in a Degree program at the University of Pisa, if they do not already have a qualification of the same level of education.

For this scholarship, you simply need to get an admission offer from the University. And further, nothing is required to apply for the DSU scholarship online.

Requirements For 2024 University of Pisa DSU Scholarship

To be considered for the University of Pisa Scholarship, you must:

  • Be planning to enroll or are already enrolled in a Degree program at the University of Pisa, if you do not already have a qualification of the same level of education.
  • Submit all documents, translated into Italian language
  • Students from EU countries have to fill in a specific declaration, which can be downloaded at the end of the online application procedure.

Rewards For 2024 University of Pisa DSU Scholarship

A DSU grant includes

  • free accommodation
  • free meals at the University dining halls
  • contribution to cover extra expenses (sporting activities, books, etc.)
  • exemption from University tuition fees and is renewable every year.`
  • yearly Stipend of 7200 Euros will be credited into your bank account.

Required Documents For 2024 University of Pisa DSU Scholarship

To apply, candidates must be ready to submit the following documents;

  • Application Form
  • Document certifying the family economic status
  • Copy of a valid identity document.
  • Students are required to submit all documents, translated into Italian language and legalized by the competent Italian diplomatic representatives of the home country, or according to the international provisions on legalization related to:
    • family status;
    • income;
    • real estate;
    • movable assets.

How To Apply For 2024 University of Pisa DSU Scholarship

To apply for the 2025 University of Pisa DSU Scholarship,

  • Click on the button below to visit the scholarship application page
  • Submit an online application only via Sportello Studente, by the call’s deadline
  • Attach all required documents and submit your application
  • The application can be submitted even if you are not enrolled as a student of Pisa yet.
  • The DSU draws up a single ranking list including both foreign and Italian students. Provisional ranking lists are usually confirmed every year by the end of September.
  • Final rankings are usually approved every year by the end of November.
  • Deadline is 6 November, 2024