2024 St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship [Study in Canada]

For all international students willing to study in Canada, the St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship is currently open and accepting applications.

The St. Francis Xavier Scholarship is a fully funded opportunity that covers the full tuition fees of selected candidates and will also provide a stipend of $23,000/annum for 2 years.


Scholarship Details
Name St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship 2024
Host Institution St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Funding Type Fully Funded
Coverage Full tuition fees, CAD$ 23,000/annum stipend for 2 years
Study Field Specificity in partner choice and latitudinal patterns of symbiont diversity in an algal-salamander mutualism
Project Start Date September 2024
Eligibility Requirements – Strong academic background with a senior research project (e.g., Honours)
– Educational background in cell and molecular biology OR ecology (both preferred)
– Curiosity, motivation, and independence
– Meet entry requirements of St. Francis Xavier University
Rewards – Full tuition waiver
– Minimum stipend of CAD$ 23,000/annum for 2 years
Required Documents – Cover letter detailing academic background and goals
– CV summarizing work or volunteer experience
– Unofficial academic transcript
Application Procedure – Send an email to Dr. Cory Bishop (cbishop@stfx.ca) indicating interest
– Attach required documents (cover letter, CV, unofficial transcript) in the email
Contact Email cbishop@stfx.ca

Facts About Xavier University

  1. Historical Significance: Founded in 1831, Xavier University is the fourth oldest Jesuit university and the sixth oldest Catholic university in the United States.
  2. Jesuit Heritage: Originally known as The Athenaeum, the university was dedicated to Saint Francis Xavier by Bishop Edward Fenwick. It was renamed St. Xavier College in 1840 after the Society of Jesus took control.
  3. Name Evolution: The institution underwent name changes, becoming Xavier University in 1930, reflecting its growth and development over the decades.
  4. Location Move: In 1912, Xavier University relocated to its current Evanston location, about 5 miles north of downtown Cincinnati, expanding its campus to accommodate its growing student body.
  5. Coeducation: While women began attending evening, weekend, and summer school divisions as early as 1914, Xavier University fully admitted women as regular students in 1969, marking a significant milestone in its history.
  6. Merger with Edgecliff College: In 1980, Xavier University merged with Edgecliff College, another prominent Catholic college in Cincinnati, further enriching its academic offerings and community.
  7. Community and Spiritual Focus: Xavier University maintains a strong Jesuit tradition, emphasizing academic excellence, service to others, and a commitment to social justice—a cornerstone of Jesuit education worldwide.
  8. Modern Influence: Today, Xavier University continues to uphold its mission of educating students in the Jesuit tradition, preparing them to be leaders in their professions and communities, while fostering a supportive and inclusive campus environment.

Details For 2024 St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship

The Bishop Laboratory at St. Francis Xavier University (Canada) invites applications for a funded M.Sc. position to study specificity in partner choice and latitudinal patterns of symbiont diversity in an algal-salamander mutualism. Start Date: September 2024.

The project will use next-generation DNA sequencing and experiments to determine the specificity of the mutualism between unicellular green algae and egg masses of the salamander Ambystoma maculatum along a latitudinal gradient.

The project will involve both local and non-local collections of material as well as handling of material from, and interaction with, collaborators in the US. The student will learn contemporary techniques in DNA sequence analysis, ecological theory, statistics, cell and molecular biology and microscopy.

Eligibility Requirements For 2024 St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship

To be considered for the St. Francis Xavier Scholarship, you must:

  • Demonstrate strong academic background, including completion of a senior research project (e.g., Honours).
  • Educational background in cell and molecular biology OR ecology; applicants with a background in both are ideal.
  • Curiosity, motivation, and willingness to nurture independence in your work are beneficial attributes.
  • Meet the entry requirements of the St. Francis Xavier University.

Rewards For 2024 St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship

The St. Francis Xavier Scholarship offers;

  • Full tuition waiver
  • Minimum stipend of CAD$ 23,000/annum for 2 years

Required Documents For 2024 St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship

To apply, candidates must be ready to submit the following documents;

  • a cover letter detailing your academic background and how this opportunity will advance your academic goals,
  • CV summarizing your work or (if appropriate) volunteer experience, and
  • an unofficial academic transcript

How To Apply For 2024 St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship

To apply for the St. Francis Xavier University Scholarship, interested and qualified applicants should follow the procedures below;

  • send an email to to Dr Cory Bishop (cbishop@stfx.ca) indicating your interest in the position
  • attach your required documents (as stated above in the email)