2024 Arizona State University Scholarship [Study In USA]

The 2024 Arizona State University Scholarship offers postgraduate study opportunities to qualified domestic and international students.


Scholarship Name 2024 Arizona State University Scholarship
Offered By Arizona State University
Available For Masters and PhD students (domestic and international)
Financial Coverage Full tuition coverage
Excess funding to support living expenses
Details Scholarships available for MS/BS degree holders in engineering disciplines such as Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or Computer Science. Positions available in Dr. Yanbing Wang’s Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems Lab with flexible start dates (spring/summer/fall 2025). Research assistance funding and tuition waivers based on position level.
Eligibility Criteria Must have or be pursuing an MS/BS degree in an engineering discipline. Research experience in traffic modeling, machine learning, data science, and/or robotics is advantageous.
Research Topics – Transportation Data Analysis
– Traffic Simulation and Modeling
– Automated Driving System
– Software-Hardware Integration
How to Apply Click on the scholarship webpage link provided to apply.
Send resume/CV to yanbing.wang@asu.edu with specified email title.
Contact Information yanbing.wang@asu.edu

Masters and PhD students selected for the 2024 Arizona State University Scholarship will be offered full tuition, and excess funding to support living expenses.

Facts about Arizona State University

  1. Oldest Public University in Arizona: Established as the Territorial Normal School at Tempe in 1885, ASU is the oldest public university in Arizona, with roots dating back over a century.
  2. Humble Beginnings: The campus started with a single, four-room schoolhouse on a 20-acre plot donated largely by Tempe residents George and Martha Wilson. Classes began with just 33 students in 1886.
  3. Evolution of Names: ASU has undergone several name changes over the years, reflecting its growth and evolving mission—from Tempe Normal School to Arizona State Teachers College, and finally to Arizona State University in 1958, following a decisive vote by the state’s voters.
  4. Visionary Leadership: President Arthur John Matthews, serving from 1900 to 1930, transformed the campus significantly. Under his tenure, ASU gained all-college student status, and he oversaw the construction of 18 buildings, including the first dormitories in Arizona.
  5. Iconic Palm Walk: Matthews envisioned an “evergreen campus” and planted 110 Mexican Fan Palms along what is now known as Palm Walk, a century-old landmark and one of ASU’s most recognizable features.
  6. Expanding Educational Offerings: In 1925, ASU began offering four-year Bachelor of Education degrees, expanding its programs to meet the growing educational needs of the community.
  7. Influence During the Great Depression: Ralph Waldo Swetman, who served as president from 1930, focused on enhancing teacher-training programs. Under his leadership, enrollment doubled, surpassing 1,000 students for the first time, despite the challenges of the Great Depression.
  8. Historic Contributions: ASU was at the forefront of educational innovation in Arizona, introducing the state’s first self-supported summer session, a pioneering initiative during its time.

Details For 2024 Arizona State University Scholarship

Dr. Yanbing Wang will be joining Arizona State University as a tenure-track Assistant
Professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment (SSEBE)
starting Spring 2025.

She will be leading the Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems Lab, which aims to improve transportation safety and efficiency through collaborative sensing, automation, and data-driven methods.

Her lab has multiple PhD/MS positions with flexible starting dates (spring/summer/fall 2025), with research assistance funding and tuition waivers available based on the position level.

Eligibility Requirements For 2024 Arizona State University Scholarship

To be considered for the Arizona State University Scholarship 2024, you must:

  • have or be currently pursuing an MS/BS degree in an engineering discipline, such as Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or Computer Science.
  • Research experience in traffic modeling, machine learning, data science, and/or robotics is a plus.

Desirable candidates are expected to work on one of the following topics:

  • Transportation Data Analysis: Clean and process raw roadside sensor data, develop
    data-driven methods to analyze empirical data, and identify travel patterns.
  • Traffic Simulation and Modeling: Perform traffic simulation, calibration, and data fusion
    using real-world traffic data from multiple data sources.
  • Automated Driving System: Develop and implement machine learning-based
    algorithms for behavior prediction, decision-making, and control of automated vehicles.
  • Software-Hardware Integration: Integrate and deploy software onto test vehicles for
    real-world field testing.

Rewards For 2024 Arizona State University Scholarship

The Arizona State University Scholarship offers funding with research assistance funding and tuition waivers available based on the position level.

How To Apply For 2024 Arizona State University Scholarship

To apply for the Arizona State University Scholarship 2024, interested and qualified applicants should;

  • click on the button below to visit the scholarship webpage.
  • send resume/CV to yanbing.wang@asu.eduwith the email title “[Position]
    Application-[Full Name]”.