2025 Fellowship In Molecular Ecology At University of Michigan [Study In USA]

The University of Michigan’s Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) is seeking a highly qualified candidate for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship with the possibility of renewal based on performance. The successful candidate will develop tools for environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis centered on food web dynamics, invasive species, biodiversity, and toxic cyanobacteria within the Great Lakes.

Fact About The University of Michigan

  1. Founded in 1817 : The University of Michigan is oneof the oldest public universities in the UnitedStates.
  2. Academic powerhouse : The university is rankedamong the top 30 universities globally, accordingto QS World University Rankings.
  3. Research giant : The University of Michigan is oneof the largest research universities in the UnitedStates, with over $1.5 billion in annual researchexpenditures.
  4. Nobel laureates : The university has produced 29Nobel laureates, including President Jimmy Carterand economist Milton Friedman.
  5. Michigan’s athletic dominance : The University ofMichigan’s athletic teams, the Wolverines, havewon 31 NCAA championships, including 11 footballchampionships.
  6. Alumni network : The university has over 580,000living alumni worldwide, including CEOs,politicians, and celebrities.
  7. Sustainability leader : The University of Michiganhas been recognized as a leader in sustainability,with a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2040.
  8. Diversity and inclusion : The university iscommitted to diversity and inclusion, with astudent body that represents all 50 states and over130 countries.
  9. Michigan’s iconic campus : The university’s campusis home to many iconic buildings, including theMichigan Union, the Michigan Theater, and the LawQuadrangle.
  10. Public service commitment : The University ofMichigan has a strong commitment to publicservice, with over 80% of students participating incommunity service or volunteer work during theirtime at the university.

Eligible Fields For 2025 Fellowship In Molecular Ecology At University of Michigan

  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis
  • Food web dynamics
  • Invasive species monitoring
  • Biodiversity assessment
  • Cyanobacterial toxicity research

Eligibility For 2025 Fellowship In Molecular Ecology At University of Michigan

  • Ph.D. in limnology, microbiology, molecular ecology, biological oceanography, bioinformatics, or a related field.
  • Experience in bioinformatics and multivariate statistical methods for analyzing molecular data together with environmental data.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead the development of manuscripts for refereed journal publications.
  • Preferred: Experience in molecular biology, familiarity with high-throughput sequencing platforms, and experience analyzing metabarcoding data.

Description For 2025 Fellowship In Molecular Ecology At University of Michigan

The successful candidate will collaborate closely with Dr. Greg Dick, Dr. Casey Godwin, and other collaborators from NOAA and USGS. Responsibilities include:

  • Validating eDNA assays.
  • Performing bioinformatics analysis of metabarcoding data.
  • Conducting statistical analyses.
  • Contributing to project reports and manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals, including as lead author.
  • Maintaining a strong record of scholarly publication and presenting research results at scientific conferences and public meetings.

How To Apply For 2025 Fellowship In Molecular Ecology At University of Michigan

Interested candidates should submit a single PDF file that includes the following materials:

  1. Cover letter describing your specific interest in the position and qualifications.
  2. Curriculum vitae.
  3. Contact information for three professional references.
  4. Representative publications (if available).

Applications containing items 1-3 are required for review. The preferred submission method is via the U-M Careers site. Additional files can be emailed to Greg Dick at gdick@umich.edu.

Last Date to Apply is February 1, 2025