2025 ADB Japan Scholarship Program For International Students [Study In Japan]

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Japan Scholarship Program aims to provide an opportunity for citizens of ADB’s developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies.

The Division of Environmental Studies which is consisted of six departments, and the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) have been designated by ADB to receive allocation with the ADB-JSP scholarship since 2000.


Category Details
Scholarship Name ADB Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP)
Objective To provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB’s developing member countries to undertake postgraduate studies in various fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.
Eligible Fields of Study Economics, Management, Health, Education, Agriculture, Environment, Natural Resource Management, Science and Technology, and other development-related fields.
Eligible Regions Participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Regions
Eligibility Criteria – National of an ADB borrowing member and Japanese ODA scholarship-eligible country
– Not hold dual citizenship of any developed country
– Gained admission to an approved master’s course
– Superior academic record
– At least 2 years of full-time professional working experience
– Proficiency in English
– Not more than 35 years old
– In good health
– Must agree to return and work in their home country for at least 2 years after completion of studies
– Not be an Executive Director, Alternate Director, management, staff, or consultant of ADB
– Not be living or working in a country other than their home country
– Not already enrolled in graduate degree programs.
Duration of Scholarship 1 year, with possible extension to a second year based on satisfactory performance; maximum duration is 2 years
Benefits Provided – Full tuition fees
– Monthly subsistence and housing allowance
– Allowance for books and instructional materials
– Medical insurance
– Travel expenses
– Special grant for thesis preparation (for research scholars)
Application Process – Request information and application forms from the chosen academic institution
– Indicate interest in ADB–JSP Scholarship during application
– Submit completed application form and required documentation to the academic institution
Selection Process – Academic institutions screen and rank applicants based on selection criteria
– ADB reviews and recommends awardees
– Executive Director of Japan approves candidates
– Academic institutions inform applicants of the outcome
Post-Scholarship Requirement Scholars must return to their home country and work for at least 2 years after completing their studies. There is a two-year employment restriction at the ADB Group after the academic program is completed.

Fact About Asian Development Bank (ADB)

  1. Elite Designation: The GSFS was handpicked by the Asian Development Bank as one of the exclusive institutions to receive the ADB-Japan Scholarship allocation, placing it among a select few in the entire Asia-Pacific region.
  2. Environmental Excellence: The GSFS houses the Division of Environmental Studies, which boasts six specialized departments. This division is at the forefront of innovative research and education in sustainability, addressing some of the most critical environmental challenges of our time.
  3. Global Impact: Scholars from ADB’s developing member countries who study here are not just gaining an education—they’re being equipped to drive transformative change. Upon returning home, they become pivotal in shaping the future of their nations, contributing to economic and social progress.
  4. Pioneering Sustainability: The Graduate Program in Sustainability Science at GSFS is a trailblazer in integrating diverse scientific disciplines to solve complex sustainability issues. It’s where the brightest minds converge to devise solutions for a sustainable future.
  5. International Collaboration: The GSFS is a hub for international collaboration, attracting scholars and experts from all over the world. Its global network of alumni and partners ensures that research and innovations are shared and implemented on a global scale.
  6. Cutting-Edge Research: The GSFS is synonymous with cutting-edge research. Scholars here are involved in groundbreaking projects that push the boundaries of science and technology, making significant contributions to fields like environmental science, economics, and management.
  7. Nurturing Future Leaders: The ADB-Japan Scholarship Program at GSFS is not just about academic excellence—it’s about nurturing the next generation of global leaders. Graduates are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and vision needed to lead in the fast-evolving global landscape.
  8. Tokyo’s Academic Jewel: Located in the heart of Tokyo, one of the world’s most dynamic cities, GSFS offers students a unique blend of academic rigor and cultural richness, making it an unforgettable experience.

Details For ADB Japan Scholarship Program For International Students

It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB’s developing member countries to undertake graduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.

Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.

Programs covered by the ADB–JSP are postgraduate studies in

  • economics
  • management
  • health
  • education
  • agriculture
  • environment
  • natural resource management
  • science and technology
  • other development-related fields

Only programs at the participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Regions are eligible for ADB–JSP funding.

Requirements For ADB Japan Scholarship Program For International Students

The candidate should:

  • be a national of an ADB borrowing member and Japanese ODA scholarship eligible country listed here;
  • not hold dual citizenship of any developed country;
  • have gained admission to an approved master’s course at a Designated Institution;
  • hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with superior academic record;
  • have at least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application. The candidate must have proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies;
  • not be more than 35 years old at the time of application, unless waived in exceptional cases with the expressed endorsement of the Government of Japan;
  • be in good health;
  • agree to return and work in his/her home country for at least two (2) years after completion of studies under the Program in order to contribute to its development;
  • not be an Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management, staff and consultants of ADB, or the close relatives of the aforementioned by blood or adoption with the term “close relative” defined as: spouse, mother, stepmother, father, stepfather, sister, stepsister, brother, stepbrother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew;
  • not be staff of ADB–JSP Designated Institutions;
  • not be living or working in a country other than his/her home country; and
  • not be already enrolled in graduate degree programs.

Duration and Reward For ADB Japan Scholarship Program For International Students

The ADB–JSP provides

  • full tuition fees
  • a monthly subsistence and housing allowance
  • an allowance for books and instructional materials
  • medical insurance
  • travel expenses

For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be available for thesis preparation.

The scholarship is for one (1) year with an extension to the second year of study, as appropriate, which shall be conditional on the scholar maintaining a satisfactory level of performance as determined by the institute.

The maximum duration of scholarship award is two (2) years for masters program.

How To Apply For ADB Japan Scholarship Program For International Students

  • Applicants should request information and application forms from the chosen Academic Institution(s). Applicants are encouraged to access various resources, including the institutions’ websites and handbooks, and institution information sessions held in-country, to assist them in making an informed decision on the academic institution and course they wish to undertake.
  • Applicants should indicate to the academic institution that they are applying for admission and that they would like to be considered for the ADB–JSP Scholarship. The completed Institution application form and required documentation, including the ADB–JSP Information Sheet form, should be submitted to the academic institution. Applicants must ensure that they submit accurate and complete documentation. Failure to do so may result in an application not being processed or to an award being terminated if documentation or information provided is later determined to be false. Applicants are required to submit their latest Income Tax Return or Certification of their Annual Salary/Monthly Salary, whichever is available. They should also submit a Certification of Family Income (Parent’s Income).
  • The academic institution will screen and rank the applicants, based on its own selection criteria, keeping in view the eligibility requirements and selection criteria of the ADB. In the evaluation process, the academic institution may contact the candidates for further information. The academic institution will then submit its ranked list of applicants to ADB, including a description of the score/grading system which is the basis for the ranking.
  • ADB will review the submission from the academic institutions and recommend awardees based on the selection criteria of ADB to the Executive Director of Japan for formal approval.
  • Upon approval by the Executive Director of Japan, ADB will advise academic institutions on the successful candidates.
  • The academic institution will inform all applicants of the outcome of the selection process and begin to make arrangements for the awardees take up their scholarships.
  • The academic institutions will arrange for the signing of the Acceptance of Scholarship Award by awardee wherein the scholars agree that after completion of their study, they will return to their home country. There is a two years employment restriction at the ADB Group after the completion of their academic program
  • ADB will send an appropriate congratulatory letter to each scholar.