2024 Scholarship at University of California [Study In USA]

A new postdoctoral or project scientist position is available immediately in the computational chemistry/physics and materials science group of Prof. Bryan M. Wong at the University of California, Riverside.


Category Details
Position Postdoctoral or Project Scientist in Computational Chemistry/Physics and Materials Science
Location University of California, Riverside
Eligibility Criteria – Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, or related fields
– Expertise in contemporary electronic structure methods
– Experience with first-principles quantum methods
– Knowledge in time-dependent density functional theory, electron scattering, and quantum dynamics (desired but not mandatory)
Research Areas – Time-dependent density functional theory
– Electron scattering
– Quantum dynamics of periodic material systems or solvated environments
– Electronic-excited states
– Quantum computing
– Density functional tight binding
– Machine learning for chemical/material systems
Responsibilities – Running calculations
– Writing journal articles
– Mentoring students
– Presenting work at conferences
Salary Commensurate with experience
Application Process Send a full CV and concise description of expertise to Prof. Bryan Wong at [log in to unmask]
Contact Prof. Bryan M. Wong

Fact About University of California

  1. Origins in a Land Grant Placeholder: The University of California owes its existence to an agricultural college that initially existed only on paper to secure federal land-grant funds.
  2. Birth from a Merger: UC was born from a merger of a struggling private college (the College of California) and a nonfunctional state college, combining their strengths to create a complete university.
  3. Campus Land from a College Town Scheme: The land for UC Berkeley’s campus was partly funded by selling plots in a planned college town, though the sales initially fell short.
  4. A Presidential Critique Sparked Change: The idea to merge the College of California with the state college was inspired by a critique from a Yale professor, who criticized Californians for not having a true university.
  5. Historic Legal Battle: The trustees of the College of California tried to back out of the merger after second thoughts, leading to a legal battle they ultimately lost, cementing the creation of the University of California.
  6. First Campus Opened in 1873: The University of California’s first campus in Berkeley opened its doors in September 1873 under the leadership of its second president, Daniel Coit Gilman.
  7. Medical and Law Schools Through Affiliations: UC established its early medical and law schools through affiliations with independent colleges, allowing it to quickly expand its offerings.
  8. Constitutional Independence: UC’s independence was solidified by California’s 1879 constitution, which included strong language to protect it from state government interference.
  9. The Hastings College Exception: While other affiliated colleges eventually integrated into UC, the Hastings College of the Law remains independent due to a constitutional clause.
  10. The Birth of UCLA: UCLA began as a normal school in 1882, became a UC campus in 1919, and gained coequal status with UC Berkeley in 1951, marking the start of UC’s evolution into a system of multiple campuses.
  11. Decentralization Revolution: Under President Clark Kerr, UC underwent radical decentralization in the late 1950s, transforming it from a single university with multiple locations into a true system of semi-autonomous campuses.
  12. Rapid Expansion: Between 1958 and 1965, UC added five new campuses: UCSB, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, and UC Irvine, followed by UC Santa Cruz and later UC Merced in 2005.
  13. Master Plan for Higher Education: The 1960 California Master Plan for Higher Education set ambitious goals for UC, including admitting the top 12.5% of high school graduates, a standard UC has continued to uphold.
  14. Financial Adaptation Post-Proposition 13: After the 1978 passage of Proposition 13 drastically cut property tax revenue, UC had to adapt by imposing tuition-like fees, finally renaming them as “tuition” in 2010.
  15. Historic Academic Worker Strike: In 2022, about 48,000 academic workers across all ten UC campuses went on strike for higher pay and benefits, marking the largest strike in UC history.

Eligibility For 2024 Scholarship at University of California

  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, or related fields
  • Expertise in contemporary electronic structure methods
  • Experience with first-principles quantum methods
  • Knowledge in time-dependent density functional theory, electron scattering, quantum dynamics desired but not mandatory

Description For 2024 Scholarship at University of California

The postdoctoral associate/project scientist will assist in research involving time-dependent density functional theory, electron scattering, or quantum dynamics of periodic material systems or solvated environments. Other research areas include electronic-excited states, quantum computing, density functional tight binding, and machine learning for chemical/material systems. Responsibilities include running calculations, writing journal articles, mentoring students, and presenting work at conferences. Salary commensurate with experience.

How to Apply For 2024 Scholarship at University of California

Interested candidates should send a full CV and concise description of expertise to Prof. Bryan Wong at [log in to unmask].