2024 RCIES Fellowship, SOKENDAI At Hayama Campus [Study In Japan]

The Research Center for Integrated Evolutionary Science (RCIES) at SOKENDAI invites applications for one or two postdoctoral research fellow positions. This fellowship program is designed to support young researchers pursuing independent research across a diverse range of academic fields covered by the Center, with no restrictions on areas of specialization.


Category Details
Eligibility • Hold a doctoral degree
• Proficiency in Japanese or English
• Unique research plan
• Consulted with at least one faculty member
Application Deadline November 25, 2024, 12:00 Noon JST
How to Apply Email application to rcies_jinji@soken.ac.jp
Required Documents • Cover Letter
• Curriculum Vitae
• Research Accomplishments
• Research Plans
• Representative Publications
• Other Relevant Information (optional)
Rewards • Discretionary Labor System
• Paid vacation system
• Approximate monthly salary of 300,000 JPY
• Social Insurance (health, pension, employment, workers’ compensation)
Other Conditions • 6-month probationary period
• In accordance with SOKENDAI regulations

Fact About Research Center for Integrated Evolutionary Science (RCIES)

1. Interdisciplinary Hub: RCIES is a pioneering research center that brings together experts from diverse fields like biology, physics, mathematics, and social sciences to unravel the mysteries of evolution.

2. Evolutionary Puzzle-Solvers: Researchers at RCIES aim to crack the code of evolution by exploring the intricate relationships between organisms, environments, and ecosystems.

3. Cutting-Edge Facilities: The center boasts state-of-the-art laboratories, computational resources, and experimental equipment, making it a paradise for scientists.

4. Global Collaboration: RCIES fosters international partnerships, attracting top talent from around the world to tackle complex evolutionary questions.

5. Nurturing Future Leaders: The center offers training programs, workshops, and fellowships to cultivate the next generation of evolutionary scientists.

6. Breaking Boundaries: RCIES encourages innovative thinking, pushing the frontiers of knowledge and challenging conventional wisdom.

7. SOKENDAI Connection: As part of SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), RCIES benefits from access to a vast network of academic resources and expertise.

8. Hayama Campus: The center is situated on the picturesque Hayama Campus, offering a serene and inspiring environment for research and discovery.

9. Dynamic Research Environment: RCIES hosts seminars, symposia, and workshops, creating a vibrant atmosphere for scientific exchange and debate.

10. Unraveling Evolution’s Secrets: By exploring the intricacies of evolution, RCIES researchers aim to shed light on some of humanity’s most fundamental questions: “Where do we come from?” and “How did we get here?”

Eligibility For 2024 RCIES Fellowship, SOKENDAI At Hayama Campus

  • Applicants must hold a doctoral degree at the time of appointment.
  • Proficiency in Japanese or English is required.
  • Applicants should have a unique and outstanding research plan and must have consulted with at least one faculty member at the Center to become a Cooperative faculty member. Cooperation with multiple faculty members is also acceptable.
  • If unable to identify a suitable faculty member, inquiries are welcome.

Description For 2024 RCIES Fellowship, SOKENDAI At Hayama Campus

Successful applicants will yindependently lead their original research at the Center and are expected to actively participate in the Center’s academic activities. They will receive support from faculty members closely aligned with their expertise.

Required Documents For 2024 RCIES Fellowship, SOKENDAI At Hayama Campus

  1. Cover Letter: Include your name, current position, contact details of two references, and the name of the faculty member you wish to collaborate with at RCIES.
  2. Curriculum Vitae: Include academic background, employment history, awards, penalties, accomplishments, and a list of external funds obtained.
  3. Research Accomplishments: Up to one page on A4-size paper.
  4. Research Plans: Up to two pages on A4-size paper.
  5. Representative Publications: Up to 5 copies.
  6. Other Relevant Information: Optional.

After reviewing the application documents, candidates may be invited for an interview.

Rewards For 2024 RCIES Fellowship, SOKENDAI At Hayama Campus

  • Working Hours: Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work applies, with deemed working hours of 7 hours and 45 minutes per day.
  • Days Off: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays (Dec 29 – Jan 3).
  • Leave: Paid vacation system applies.
  • Salary: Approximate monthly salary of 300,000 JPY under the annual salary system.
  • Social Insurance: Includes health insurance, welfare pension, employment insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance.
  • Probationary Period: 6 months from the first day of employment.
  • Other Conditions: In accordance with SOKENDAI regulations.
  • Last Date To Apply Is November 25, 2024, 12:00 Noon JST.

How To Apply For 2024 RCIES Fellowship, SOKENDAI At Hayama Campus

Interested candidates should submit the following documents via email to: rcies_jinji@soken.ac.jp. Please ensure the total attachment size does not exceed 10 MB. If necessary, send files in multiple emails or use a file transfer service.