2024 PhD Student or Postdoctoral Scientist At Max Planck Institute [Study In Germany]

Explore exciting opportunities to advance your research career at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen, Germany, by joining the innovative Biochemistry of Signal Dynamics research group led by Dr. Alex Faesen.

Join the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen, Germany, and contribute to groundbreaking research in the Biochemistry of Signal Dynamics research group, led by Dr. Alex Faesen.


Key Details Description
Position PhD Student or Postdoctoral Scientist
Location Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, Germany
Research Group Biochemistry of Signal Dynamics, led by Dr. Alex Faesen
Eligibility for PhD Candidates MSc (or equivalent) in a relevant area of life sciences; initial experience in protein biochemistry preferred
Eligibility for Postdoc Candidates PhD in a relevant area of life sciences; initial experience in protein biochemistry or structural biology preferred
Research Focus Reconstitution of autophagy initiation using purified proteins; structural-functional characterization of macromolecular super-complexes
Techniques Used Biochemical and cell biological techniques, X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy
Collaboration National and international research groups; participation in workshops and meetings
Application Requirements Single PDF file with cover letter, CV, academic transcripts, publication list, and two references
Application Email ausschreibung27-24@mpinat.mpg.de
More Information Visit the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences website for further details

Fact About The Max Planck Institute For Multidisciplinary Sciences

  •  Pioneering Research: The institute focuses on the intricate mechanisms of cellular communication, studying how signals are activated and deactivated at precise moments. This research is crucial for understanding processes like cell division and DNA damage signaling, which are fundamental to life itself.
  •  Unique Protein Mechanism: A highlight of their research is the exploration of HORMA protein domains, which can form stable yet temporary signaling complexes. This ability allows for dynamic control of signaling, enabling cells to respond accurately to various stimuli.
  •  Cutting-Edge Techniques: The group employs advanced biochemical reconstitution methods, allowing them to dissect complex biological processes in detail. This approach provides insights that are often obscured in the chaotic environment of living cells.
  •  Global Community: The institute fosters a collaborative environment, hosting seminars and discussions that connect scientists worldwide, enhancing the exchange of groundbreaking ideas in single-cell signaling dynamics.

Eligibility For 2024 PhD Student or Postdoctoral Scientist At Max Planck Institute

  • PhD Student candidates should hold or soon expect a MSc (or equivalent) degree in a relevant area of life sciences.
  • Postdoc candidates should have a PhD degree in a relevant area of life sciences.
  • Initial experience in protein biochemistry or structural biology is preferred.
  • Passion for science, curiosity-driven, self-motivated, and a desire to work in an international and multi-disciplinary team.

Description For 2024 PhD Student or Postdoctoral Scientist At Max Planck Institute

  • The position involves reconstituting the initiation of autophagy using purified proteins, focusing on structural-functional characterization of macromolecular super-complexes.
  • Utilize biochemical and cell biological techniques, X-ray crystallography, and cryo-electron microscopy to advance knowledge in autophagy.
  • Collaborate with national and international research groups, attend workshops and meetings, and contribute to exceptional research initiatives in a world-class environment.

How To Apply For 2024 PhD Student or Postdoctoral Scientist At Max Planck Institute

  • Interested candidates should submit a single PDF file containing a cover letter explaining background and motivation, CV, academic transcripts, publication list, and contact information for two references to: ausschreibung27-24@mpinat.mpg.de
  • For more information, visit Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences – Research Group „Biochemistry of Signal Dynamics“