2024 NITDA Digital Innovation Challenge For Nigerians [Apply Now]

The 2024 NITDA Digital Innovation Challenge aims to harness the power of technology and innovation to address critical infrastructure challenges in Nigeria.

Participants in the NITDA Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge will collaborate in teams to create innovative digital maps of one Nigerian state, highlighting critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, roads, and utilities. These maps will provide insights that can drive sustainable development across Nigeria.


Category Details
Objective Harness technology andinnovation to addressinfrastructurechallenges in Nigeria
Eligibility Nigerian citizens, 18+years, team of 2-5members with mixedtechnical and non-technical backgrounds ¹
Focus Areas Healthcare, Education,Transportation,Utilities, Public Services
Task Create innovative digitalmaps of one Nigerianstate highlightingcritical infrastructure
Rewards 5 Million Naira (1winner), 1 Million Nairaeach (6 regionalwinners)
Application Deadline September 25, 2024
How to Apply Visit the NITDAchallenge webpage andapply

Fact About NITDA

  1. Established by Act: NITDA was established in 2007 by the National Information Technology Development Agency Act (NITDA Act 2007).
  2. Mandate: NITDA’s primary mandate is to create a framework for the planning, research, development, standardization, application, coordination, monitoring, evaluation, and regulation of Information Technology (IT) practices in Nigeria.
  3. Digital Literacy: NITDA has trained over 100,000 Nigerians in digital literacy skills, bridging the digital divide across the country.
  4. Start-up Support: NITDA has supported over 500 start-ups, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in Nigeria’s tech ecosystem.
  5. Cybersecurity: NITDA has established the Computer Emergency Readiness and Response Team (CERRT) to protect Nigeria’s digital space from cyber threats.
  6. Digital Infrastructure: NITDA has facilitated the development of critical digital infrastructure, including data centers, fiber optic networks, and internet exchange points.
  7. International Partnerships: NITDA collaborates with global tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Oracle to promote Nigeria’s digital economy.
  8. National Digital Economy Policy: NITDA developed Nigeria’s National Digital Economy Policy, aiming to achieve a digital economy contribution of 25% to GDP by 2025.
  9. Scholarships and Grants: NITDA offers scholarships and grants to Nigerian students and researchers in IT-related fields, promoting human capital development.
  10. Capacity Building: NITDA has trained over 10,000 civil servants in IT skills, enhancing government’s digital capacity.

Eligibility Requirements For 2024 NITDA Digital Innovation Challenge For Nigerians

To be considered for the NITDA Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge, you must:

  • Nigerian Citizenship: All participants must be Nigerian citizens with a valid means of identification (National ID, Voter’s Card, International Passport, or Driver’s License).
  • Age Limit: Participants must be 18 years and above at the time of registration to ensure legal participation and commitment.
  • Team Composition: Teams must consist of 2 – 5 members, with a mix of technical and non-technical backgrounds, to encourage diverse problem-solving approaches.
    Participants must join as part of a team; individual entries will not be accepted

Participants will work in teams to:

  • Identify critical infrastructure (from selected innovation challenge focus areas) in their respective states.
  • Use mapping and visualization tools to create detailed, interactive digital maps.
  • Present the findings in a way that tells a compelling story about the infrastructure needs and opportunities in their state.
  • Submit their final project as a URL to a digital map that showcases the identified infrastructure and insights.

Rewards For 2024 NITDA Digital Innovation Challenge For Nigerians

  • Five Million Naira for 1 Winner
  • One Million Naira Each for Six (6) Regional Winners
  • The aim of the Challenge is to generate comprehensive, data-driven digital maps for Nigeria’s 36 states including the FCT, focusing on critical infrastructure to enhance decision-making and development planning.

How To Apply For 2024 NITDA Digital Innovation Challenge For Nigerians

Interested and qualified candidates should use the green button below to proceed to the NITDA challenge webpage and apply.


  • Teams are encouraged to combine technical and domain expertise (Innovators, GIS specialists, Data Scientists, Tech Developers, Urban Planners, Generalists, etc.).
  • Final submission should be a URL to an interactive digital map that includes the infrastructure data.
  • Tools like Google Maps API, ArcGIS, QGIS etc., or any other GIS platform can be used.
  • The map should be easy to navigate, visually engaging, and provide insightful data that can inform decision-making for stakeholders in Nigeria’s development.
  • Deadline is 25 September, 2024