2024 NAI Scholarship Programme (Nordic Africa Institute) [Study In Africa]

2024 NAI Scholarship Programme (Nordic Africa Institute) [Study In Africa]

Nordic Africa Institute- NAI Scholarship Programme provides opportunities for Masters and PhD researchers in Africa to work and develop their ongoing research at the institute.

The scholarship provides funding that covers travel, settling, and living allowances. Awardees are also offered a workspace with a personal computer to work with at the institute.


Category Details
Eligibility Masters and PhD researchers in Africa, staff of African-based universities/research centers, postdoctoral researchers
Benefits Return airfare, accommodation, subsistence allowance, installation grant, workspace with computer
Application Deadline Not specified
Award Type Scholarship
Research Fields Social Sciences, Contemporary Africa studies
Nationality All Africans
Affiliation Universities or research centers in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, or Iceland
Required Documents CV, research project outline, work plan, reference letter
Application Method Online application with uploaded documents

Facts About the Nordic Africa Institute

  1. A Bridge Between Continents: The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) is a hub connecting Africa and the Nordic countries, fostering research, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.
  2. 60+ Years of Excellence: Established in 1962, NAI has been a pioneer in African studies for over six decades!
  3. Diverse Research Focus: NAI’s research spans politics, economy, environment, culture, and more, providing a holistic understanding of Africa.
  4. Global Network: With partners in Africa, Europe, and beyond, NAI facilitates international collaboration and capacity building.
  5. Knowledge Treasure Trove: NAI’s specialized library boasts over 60,000 volumes, journals, and digital resources on contemporary Africa.
  6. Scholarship Opportunities: NAI offers coveted scholarships to African researchers, enabling them to work with top experts and access state-of-the-art facilities.
  7. Policy Impact: NAI’s research informs policy decisions, shaping Africa’s future and influencing global development agendas.
  8. Interdisciplinary Approach: NAI brings together scholars from various disciplines, fostering innovative solutions to Africa’s complex challenges.
  9. Capacity Building: Through training programs, workshops, and seminars, NAI enhances research skills and strengthens African institutions.
  10. Nordic Values: Embodying Nordic principles of equality, sustainability, and social justice, NAI promotes inclusive and equitable development in Africa.

Details For 2024 NAI Scholarship Programme (Nordic Africa Institute)

The scholarship offers access to the Institute’s library and other resources that provide for a stimulating research environment.

Through the programme, the Nordic Africa Institute aims to contribute to building capacity in the production of knowledge about Africa, and to promote and establish relations with and between African and Nordic research communities.

Requirements For 2024 NAI Scholarship Programme (Nordic Africa Institute)

The Nordic Africa Institute Scholarship is open to;

  • Staff full-time employed by an African-based university or research center who are enrolled on a doctoral programme in the African region and who do not have access to an international scholarship
  • Postdoctoral researchers (within 5 years or less of PhD completion).
  • All Africans
  • Applicants must be affiliated with universities or research centers in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, or Iceland.

Rewards For 2024 NAI Scholarship Programme (Nordic Africa Institute)

  • The scholarship includes a return air-fare (economy class), accommodation, a subsistence allowance of 400 SEK (approx. 40 USD) per day plus an installation grant of 2,500 SEK (approx. 250 USD) and access to a workspace, including a desk computer, in a shared office at the Institute.
  • The Institute’s library is specialized in literature on contemporary Africa and focuses on Social Sciences. Furthermore, Guest Researchers have access to the Uppsala University Library and to the Library of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Guest Researchers have the possibility to present their research at the Nordic Africa Institute and to visit other institutions in the Nordic countries.

Required Documents For 2024 NAI Scholarship Programme (Nordic Africa Institute)

Apply online and upload the following documents:

  • Up-to-date CV, including list of publications (if available online, please include links)
  • Outline of research project, 5 pages:
    • A well elaborated research proposal
  • Work plan, 1 page:
    • The plan should be specific for the time spent at the Institute, including research objectives and expected results
  • Reference: A signed letter of support from the applicant’s Head of Department or other senior scholar in the same field, which confirms current work place/affiliation and field of research

How To Apply For 2024 NAI Scholarship Programme (Nordic Africa Institute)

Interested and qualified candidates should click on the button below to commence their application.