2024 German Catholic KAAD Scholarship Program For International Students [Study In Germany]

The German Catholic KAAD Scholarship Program is for outstanding applicants who are willing to enroll in a master’s or Ph.D. degree study program in Germany. This scholarship is a fully funded opportunity and highly competitive.

This is based on cooperation with partner committees and associations of ex-scholars in those countries and it aims at setting up (scientific) networks and at contributing to a holistic development, which includes the religious and inter-religious dimensions.


Here’s a table summarizing the key details about the German Catholic KAAD Scholarship Program:

Key Detail Information
Type Master’s, Ph.D.
Deadline Not Specified
Location Germany
Eligible Countries Developing Countries (Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Near and Middle East, Eastern and Southeastern Europe)
Number of Awards Not Available (NA)
Value of Award Full Scholarship
Duration of Award Not Available (NA)
Eligible Field of Study Unrestricted
Requirements – Above-average performance in studies and research
– Commitment to permanent reintegration in home region
– Religious/social commitment and inter-religious dialogue
Eligibility Conditions – From developing or emerging countries (Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America) and currently living there
– University degree and professional experience from home country
– Seeking master’s degree, Ph.D., or post-doctoral research in Germany
– Catholic Christian or commitment to inter-religious dialogue if from another religion
– German language skills required (language course up to 6 months provided by KAAD)
Application Process Online application through the online portal, channeled via Partner Committees in focus countries. Applications from other countries considered only in exceptional cases.
Additional Support Scholarships, educational programs, spiritual and personal assistance

Fact About German Catholics (Deutschkatholiken)

  1. Birth of a Reformist Movement: The German Catholics were formed in December 1844 by dissidents from the Roman Catholic Church, marking a bold departure from traditional Catholicism under the visionary leadership of Johannes Ronge.
  2. A Catalyst in Breslau: The movement originated in Breslau (modern-day Wrocław), a historic city that became the birthplace of this revolutionary religious reform.
  3. Uniting Reformist Forces: They were briefly joined by another group of conservative dissidents led by Johannes Czerski, who established the Christian Catholics in Schneidemühl (now Piła), showcasing a rare moment of unity in religious reformation.
  4. A New Path in Catholicism: The emergence of the German Catholics represented a significant shift in the religious landscape of Germany, challenging centuries-old traditions and advocating for a more progressive approach to Catholicism.
  5. Historic Impact: Despite its short-lived existence, the movement left an indelible mark on the religious history of Germany, influencing future generations of reformist thought within the Catholic Church.

Details For 2024 German Catholic KAAD Scholarship Program For International Students

KAAD is the scholarship institution of the German Catholic Church for post-graduate students and scientists from (developing) countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Near and Middle East, as well as Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

KAAD expect the following from the prospective candidates:

  • Above-average performance in studies and research
  • The orientation of your studies or research towards permanent reintegration in your home region (otherwise the scholarship is turned into a loan),
  • Religious and social commitment (activities) and willingness to inter-religious dialogue.

KAAD supports his scholars in form of scholarships and educational programs and offers spiritual and personal assistance in view of future multiplying functions students will have in their home countries.

Requirements For 2024 German Catholic KAAD Scholarship Program For International Students

To be eligible for KAAD International Scholarship, applicants are expected to meet the following conditions:

  • Applicants must come from a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America and are currently living there
  • Applicants must have a university degree and professional experience from your home country
  • want to acquire a master’s degree or a PhD at a German university or do a post-doctoral research project (2-6 months for established university lecturers) at a German university
  • Are a Catholic Christian (or general belong to a Christian denomination). Candidates from other religions can apply if they are proposed by Catholic partners and can prove their commitment to interreligious dialogue
  • Applicants must possess German language skills before starting the studies (KAAD can provide a language course of max. 6 months in Germany).

How To Apply For 2024 German Catholic KAAD Scholarship Program For International Students

Applications are submitted online through the online application portal. Please follow instructions on the page to fill and submit the form as appropriate.

KAAD is working with focus- and partner countries in your region. There are so-called Partner Committees in these countries and applications are channelled via them. Applications from other countries can be considered only in exceptional cases.