2024 Amazon AI and ML Scholarship Program For Students Worldwide [Study In Netherlands]

The Amazon Web Services, in collaboration with Udacity, is providing 2,500 Udacity nanodegree Amazon AI and ML Scholarships to students who identify as underserved or underrepresented in technology.

The AWS AI and ML Scholarship covers full tuition for Udacity’s Nanodegree program. At each stage, you will gain AI knowledge and receive coaching from professionals.


Category Details
Scholarship Provider Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Udacity
Number of Scholarships 2,500 Udacity nanodegree scholarships
Eligibility Students over 16, self-identifying as underserved/underrepresented in tech, enrolled in high school/college
Requirements No prior knowledge in ML, CS, or car racing required; subject to Udacity terms and conditions
Scholarship Coverage Full tuition for Udacity’s Nanodegree program
Benefits Gain AI knowledge, coaching from professionals, mentorship program, skills training for tech career
Application Process Visit the scholarship webpage via the APPLY button
Program Duration Not specified
Application Deadline 30 September, 2024

Facts About The Amazon Company

  1. Lungs of the Earth: Amazon produces 20% of the world’s oxygen, thanks to its 390 billion trees.
  2. River of Life: The Amazon River is the largest river by discharge volume, accounting for 15% of the fresh water flowing into the oceans.
  3. Species Galore: 1 in 10 of all known plant and animal species call Amazon home – over 3 million species!
  4. Indigenous Secrets: Over 400 indigenous tribes have lived in Amazon for thousands of years, with 100 uncontacted tribes remaining.
  5. Medicine Cabinet: 25% of modern medicines originate from Amazonian plants, including cancer-fighting compounds.
  6. Carbon Capture: Amazon absorbs 2.2 billion metric tons of CO2 annually, combating climate change.
  7. Rainforest Giant: Amazon spans 5.5 million sq km, covering 40% of South America – an area larger than the United States.
  8. Butterfly Bonanza: 1,300 species of butterflies inhabit Amazon, including the iconic monarch butterfly.
  9. Soil Saviors: Amazon’s soil stores 140 billion metric tons of carbon – twice the amount in the atmosphere.
  10. One Tree at a Time: A single Amazon tree can support over 1,000 different species – that’s an entire ecosystem!

Details For 2024 Amazon AI and ML Scholarship Program For Students Worldwide

The AWS AI & ML Scholarship program, in collaboration with Udacity, is an AI/ML-focused scholarship program providing 2,500 Udacity nanodegree scholarships annually, as well as a mentorship program, to students that identify as underserved or underrepresented in technology.

The amazon AI and ML Scholarship program aims to make the future tech workforce more diverse by removing financial barriers, providing skills training for a career in tech, and offering mentorship support.

The AWS AI & ML Scholarship program uses a free, student-only version of AWS DeepRacer to prequalify participants for the scholarship application.

Eligibility Requirements For 2024 Amazon AI and ML Scholarship Program For Students Worldwide

The requirements for the AWS AI and ML Scholarship are as follows;

  • Any student over the age of 16 that self identifies as underserved or underrepresented in technology, and is currently enrolled in high school or college, may apply (subject to terms and conditions on Udacity).
  • No prior knowledge in machine learning, computer science, or car racing is needed. This program is designed to help anyone get started with ML through the engaging concept of racing.

Rewards For 2024 Amazon AI and ML Scholarship Program For Students Worldwide

  • The scholarship covers full tuition for Udacity’s Nanodegree program. At each stage you will gain AI knowledge and receive coaching from professionals.
  • The program is designed to help anyone get started with Machine Learning (ML) with no prior technical knowledge required.

How To Apply For 2024 Amazon AI and ML Scholarship Program For Students Worldwide

To apply for the 2024 Amazon AI and ML Scholarship, interested and qualified candidates should use the APPLY button below to visit the scholarship webpage.